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The Launch Expansion Method

Learn how to scale your online course to six, multi-six, or even SEVEN figures with this FREE training!

In this FREE training, you …

🚀 will learn my $100k launch strategy
🚀 get permission to steal my 120-day launch calendar
🚀 get access to my 4 phases of launching
🚀 discover the most highly converting sales closers
🚀 unlock my Expansion Formula
🚀 hear the story of my first six-figure launch!

… and so much more!
Testimonial profile image
Earlier this year, I signed up for your free Launch Expansion Method training! One month later, I launched my online course and made $8,200!

Thank you so much for this FREE training! It is pure gold!!!

This year I’ll definitely be ready for a TWL application! Incredible shift!! All thanks to LEM. I never knew how to do this before!

Thank you!
Dorina Vass - Dublin, Ireland

PLUS! Watch the training to learn how to get immediate access to two exclusive bonuses:

🚀 How We Organize Our Business - A behind-the-scenes tour of Team Beadon's Knowledge Hub.

🚀 How to Build a Highly Converting Audience - Get your first 1,000 superfans!